The Spirit of the Mask is a unique secondary school (7-12) production created by renowned Commedia practitioner Tony Kishawi.
It is an interactive performance and workshop in one, designed to demonstrate the essential conventions of traditional Commedia and comic and mask performance. The show’s focus explores how these funny traditions continue to engage audiences.
Characters showcased and explored include the Zanni, the Lovers (Inamorati), Il Capitano, Il Dottore and Pantalone. Commedia conventions demonstrated include lazzi, Burle, canovacci, improvisation, audience interaction, status relationships and heightened physicality.
Learning Areas:
The Arts (Drama)
Strands: Developing an understanding of practices
Responding to and interpreting artworks
Humanities and Social Science (History)
Languages (Italian)
General Capabilities
Critical and Creative Thinking
Ethical Understanding
Personal and Social Capability
Themes and Contexts:
Devised by: Clint Bolster, Ben Cornfoot and Tony Kishawi-
Directed by: Clint Bolster and Tony Kishawi
All prices include GST